This is a public service announcement.
I get it. You paid a decent amount of money for that bottle of Crown Royal™ whisky.
, and it came with that swanky cloth drawstring bag, so you want to keep using the bag. Well, fine, put your Uno™ cards, sewing kit, or colored markers in it. But, please stop putting the cash you are going to use to buy drugs with, or, worse yet, the actual drugs in that purple bag.
Guess what goes through a law enforcement officer's mind when he or she sees that bright purple an gold in your car, apartment, house or backpack. I will give you a hint. It is not that he or she need not bother looking in that bag. It is more along the lines of "Bingo!"
So, find a better place to stash your cash or illegal stuff. Also, the Diageo (no longer Seagrams) company will thank you; it's kind of giving them a bad reputation.
The Lord Reply
Posted Feb 28, 2023 at 23:35:04
Yea, that ’89 Panama ordeal where we almost invaded, sure left a bad taste for Crown Royal with all those bottles they found! Ha-ha
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