I generally do not accept these cases for representation unless they involve convictions from the northeast Georgia area or out-of-state convictions where the person lives in northeast Georgia.
Understanding and navigating the rules and restrictions of the Georgia sex offender laws can be difficult. Not knowing what the registrant has to do puts him or her at risk. Staying on the registry a day more than necessary puts the registrant at risk of facing new charges. Not knowing the consequences of moving out of Georgia or into Georgia with a sex offense conviction or sentence can cause many problems. We are experienced and knowledgeable about the Georgia sex offender laws. Many basic questions can be answered by information on this website or by information on the GBI FAQ page.
Sean A. Black is available for legal consultations on sex offender issues on an hourly basis and accepts representation beyond the consultation on a flat fee or retainer/hourly basis.
We accept paid representations in the following areas concerning registered sex offenders (RSO):
- Representation of registered sex offenders charged with failure to register or provide registration information or other criminal offenses
- Consultations with out of state sex offenders considering a move or extended visit to Georgia
- Petitions seeking classification and removal from the Georgia sexual offender registry
- Consultation with Georgia registrants considering a move out of state.
- Petitions to obtain re-classification