One of the big changes coming to Georgia law courtesy of the 2012 Criminal Justice Reform Act (HB 1176) is the elimination of expungement. It will be replaced by a new concept called records restriction. This change will not become effective until July 1, 2013.
Expungement, We Hardly Knew You
Expungement was of limited use in Georgia. Firstly, it was not available if you had been convicted of any offense arising out of the incident conduct. Say, you were arrested for aggravated assault, and you plead down to simple assault (verbal threats). You would not have been eligible to expunge the records relating to the aggravated assault or the simple assault. Basically, you could get expungement if the charges were dismissed against you prior to being formally accused or indicted. Since the case facts aren't always fully explored or examined prior to that point, that made a lot of people ineligible for expungement of their records even where the charges were dismissed against them.The vast majority of people that I have spoken to about expungement over the years had to be told no.
Records Restriction: What Expungement Should Have Been
Under the new law, which goes into effect on July 1, 2012, the qualifications for restriction of records has been expanded.
Cases Disposed of Prior to a Formal Charging Instrument Being Filed
In Georgia, a court prosecution is begun, in most cases, with the filing of an accusation or an indictment. An indictment is a charge which has been voted on by a grand jury as a true bill. If the charge was never referred by the law enforcement agency to a prosecutor (Solicitor General or District Attorney) and was dismissed at the request of the agency, then the person is eligible for restriction of the records if a specified amount of time has passed. That amount of time is roughly analogous to the statute of limitations. So, for misdemeanors, the period is two years. For most felonies, the period is four years. For serious violent felonies or felony sexual offenses involving a victim under 16 years of age, the period is seven years.Alternatively, if the case has been presented to a grand jury and no billed twice, then records restriction is available. No bill means the grand jury voted against approving the criminal charges.
Cases Dismissed After Formal Charging Instrument
If all charges were dimissed or nolle prossed, then records restriction is available.
Conditional Discharge
The person received and completed as sentence on a drug possession charge under 16-13-2 (drug offense conditional discharge). This disposition is a type of first offender treatment where the person ends up not being convicted of the offense. The person must have successfully completed the probation.
Drug Court or Mental Health Court
A person may also be eligible by completing a drug court or mental health court program successfully, had his or her charges dismissed or nolle prossed, and has gone five years from the dismissal with no serious arrests.
Defendant Acquitted of All Charges
Additionally, if a person goes to trial and is found not guilty of all charges, they may be eligible for records restriction. However, the prosecutor can petition the court within ten days not to restrict the records. In this event, the prosecutor must show by clear and convincing evidence that the public interest in the information being available outweighs the individual's interest in restriction because (1) the prosecution was barred form introducing material evidence against the individual on legal grounds or (2) the individual has been charged with the same or similar offense within the previous five years.The first exception is basically there for situations where law enforcement screwed up the case somehow. For instance, they conducted an illegal search and the murder weapon or contraband is excluded from evidence. In some of these situations, records restriction can still be appropriate. But the argument for not restricting may be strong in some cases. Say, the murder weapon is restricted from evidence because the police searched a location without consent or a search warrant. There may still be a public interest in knowing that this is a violent individual. The second exception makes less sense. If a person has been charged with a drug offense within five years, and the original charge was dismissed, and then he or she is charged again and is found not guilty by a jury, it does not seem that the person should be barred from obtaining records restriction. It would seem that the prosecution would need to overcome a strong presumption to get that relief.Defendant was only convicted of misdemeanors
If a person is charged with one or more felonies but is only convicted of a misdemeanor offense or offenses, then the person can petition the Superior Court where the arrest occurred within four years to restrict the records. The language of this subsection is a little troubling. Contextually, it would seem to be that the petition would be brought in the county where the charges were made. That is not always the same location as where the arrest occurred. A person could be charged in Rabun County and be arrested in Dallas, Texas, or Atlanta, Georgia. I think most courts will base venue on where the warrant was issued.This is an important practice pointer for criminal defense attorneys. Where they plead a felony down to a misdemeanor or a felony trial ends with only misdemeanor convictions, they need to discuss with their clients this narrow window.It is also not clear how this time limit will be applied to cases that predate the effective date of the law.
A major restriction on this avenue of relief is that the misdemeanor conviction must not be a lesser included offense of an acquitted felony charge. In other words, if a person goes to trial on a charging instrument setting out a felony and related, but not included, misdemeanors, and is acquitted of the felony but convicted of one or more of the non-included misdemeanors, the felony charge may be subject to restriction.
On the other hand, if someone goes to trial on a felony charge, and the jury acquits him of the felony charge but convicts of a lesser included offense, then the record of the felony would not be subject to restriction. For instance, a person is initially overcharged with aggravated assault. By either plea bargain or jury decision, the defendant is convicted instead of simple battery, then they will not be eligible to seek to have the felony charge restricted.
This can, therefore, be very important in plea negotiations as the charge that the defendant will plead to is determined.
The 2013 amendment also added a balancing test for the court on the restriction issue to determine whether the harm otherwise resulting to the individual clearly outweighs the public interest in the criminal history record being publicly available.
Defendant Convicted, But Conviction Reversed on Appeal
Where a person is convicted and sentenced to something other than the death penalty, and successfully appeals the conviction, the person will be eligible for records restriction if the State does not retry the case within two years. The court must determine whether records restriction is appropriate considering the reason for the reversal or vacating of the conviction, the reasons that the case has not been retried, and the public's interest in the information being publicly available.
Case Dead Docketed for More than Twelve Months
Where a case has been placed on the dead docket for more than twelve months, the person can petition the court to restrict the records. This relief is not available if there is an active arrest warrant outstanding. The court will consider why the case was placed on the dead docket in deciding if records restriction is inappropriate.
Youthful Offender Provision
Where a person is convicted of only misdemeanors at a young age, has completed all sentences and has not been arrested for five years (excluding minor traffic offenses), the person can petition for records restriction.The big problem with this provision is the definition of youthful offender. Youthful offender is defined as a person who was less than 21 years of age at the time of conviction. Basing the decision on the age at the time of conviction is unfair for a number of reasons. First example. Jay and Silent Bob get busted for misdemeanor marijuana possession outside the convenience store. Jay is 20 years and five months old. Bob is 20 years and eleven months old. They both come to court for the first time three months later. They both plead guilty, serve their sentence (not conditional discharge), and go five years without getting in trouble again. Jay can have his records restricted as a youthful offender, Bob cannot. Why? It makes no sense. It should be based on the age at time of arrest.Second example. Jay and Silent Bob have the same birth date and are the same age. They both get arrested for marijuana possession. Jay is arrested in Gwinnett County, he has no defense, and pleads guilty prior to turning twenty-one. Silent Bob, is arrested in a rural county with a major case backlog. His case sits on a prosecutor's desk for six months before an accusation is drafted and filed. The case then doesn't get called for arraignment for several months. He goes to court and gets an appointed lawyer. The lawyer puts the case off to investigate whether there is a defense. In the meantime, Bob turns twenty-one. He returns to court, his lawyer tells him there is no defense, and pleads him. Jay gets records restriction, but Bob does not. Why? Jay and Silent Bob were equally youthful at the time of their transgressions. But Bob happened to be arrested in a jurisdiction where cases move slowly.
Records Restriction Not Appropriate for Certain Offenses
The statute sets out that records restriction will not be appropriate for convictions for:Child Molestation, Enticing a Child for Indecent Purposes, Sexual Assault by a person with Supervisory or Disciplinary Authority, Keeping a Place of Prostitution/Pimping/Pandering by Compulsion, Masturbation for Hire, Giving Massages in Place Used for Lewdness, Prostitution, etc., Sexual Battery Offenses Related to Minors set out in Part 2 of Artticle 3 of Chapter 12 of Title 16, Theft (except misdemeanor theft by shoplifting), Serious Traffic Offenses listed in Article 15 of Chapter 6 of Title 40. The last section includes reckless driving, DUI, vehicular homicide, serious injury by vehicle, feticide by vehicle, Fleeing and attempting to elude, aggressive driving, and homicide or serious injury by interfering with traffic control device or railroad sign or signal.
This list of offenses must be considered closely when an attorney engages in charge bargaining on behalf of a client. The possible availability of records restriction should be discussed with a client prior to entering a plea or prior to going to trial. If a plea will result in the person being ineligible for records restriction, the attorney has a duty to convey that information to the person. While records restriction is a collateral consequence of a conviction, recent United States Supreme Court cases indicate that criminal defense attorneys have an obligation to advise their clients as to collateral consequences.
Procedural Issues
The request goes first to the law enforcement agency which created the arrest record. Within 30 days, it is to provide a copy to the prosecuting attorney's office. The prosecutor has ninety days to determine if the request meets the requirements of the law. A failure to act on the request within ninety days creates a presumption that the prosecuting attorney does not object to the request. If the prosecutor objects to the request, he or she is obligated to state with specificity the basis for the denial of the request..
If there is a denial, the law enforcement agency notifies the individual of that decision and its reasons.
If there is an approval or a failure to act, the the agency is to restrict the records within 30 days of the prosecutor's decision.
If there is a denial, the individual can appeal the prosecutor's decision in the superior court where the law enforcement agency is located by filing a civil action and serving the agency and the prosecutor's office. The 2013 amendment to the law switches the burden of proof to the individual to establish by clear and convincing evidence that the arrest is eligible for restriction under the law and that the harm otherwise resulting to the privacy of the individual clearly outweighs the public interest in the criminal history record information being publicly available.
This post has been updated to reflect the changes made by HB 349 in 2013.
Sean A. Black is a Georgia licensed attorney practicing in Northeast Georgia. His office is in Toccoa, Georgia. Telephone number is 866-234-4481. He was named in 2011 and 2012 to the Georgia Super Lawyers for Criminal Defense. He is a 1992 graduate of the Emory School of Law.
Curtis Veal Reply
Posted Oct 31, 2012 at 07:57:32
Sean, thanks for keeping updated on this stuff. I am always checking in to see what new things you have on your website. I find it very helpful-thanks!
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Oct 31, 2012 at 09:07:20
Thanks Curtis. I hope you and others enjoy the new design. We’ve worked hard to update things and to set up a mechanism for me to add new information easily.
lee Reply
Posted Dec 07, 2012 at 14:53:32
So first offender will be restricted to public?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Dec 10, 2012 at 09:01:58
Correct. This law actually makes no real change to first offender dispositions. The first offender statutes have their own mechanism for restricting access, and the new law does not make any changes to this system at this time.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Jan 22, 2013 at 07:05:43
Yes. that is correct.
JW Reply
Posted Feb 09, 2013 at 18:38:31
If a person successfully completes probation and their first offender charge is discharged, is there nothing that can be done to restrict court records under HB 1176? A family member has a clear background when employers conduct a GCIC search, but the court records are available online (and the county clerk misinforms potential employers who call, saying that they have a conviction). It doesn’t seem fair that someone who completes probation and can honestly declare they haven’t been convicted should have court records haunting them for the rest of their life.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Feb 11, 2013 at 09:51:41
What you say is correct. In a perfect world, the successful completion of a first offender sentence should mean that the case is wiped from the person’s record. Unfortunately, state law actually provides that the court record remains, albeit with prominent notice that the person was discharged without an adjudication of guilt.
These days, however, the bigger issue is often with private data aggregators that are not obligated to remove the information or even mark it prominently that the person was not convicted of the offense.
Jarvis Zellner Reply
Posted May 18, 2016 at 07:50:26
I was convicted of aggravated assault in 1996 I completed a 10 year sentence with parole and now I am hoping to get an expunge of my record.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted May 18, 2016 at 08:21:50
A felony conviction for a violent offense is not subject to records restriction.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Jun 13, 2016 at 04:19:56
Certain misdemeanor convictions committed at a young age are eligible for restriction. Unfortunately, a felony conviction for financial transaction card fraud is not currently eligible for restriction. It really makes sense that someone who takes $182 from a wallet in cash faces a misdemeanor charge, and someone who takes a credit/debit card and charges $182 are treated differently, but they are.
TP Reply
Posted Oct 20, 2016 at 06:14:49
Hi Sean,
I was arrested in 2011 in Hall County, and went to court July of that year. At the time of the arrest I was 19, and on the court date I had just turned 20 years old. I was convicted of Simple Battery (I was a bit of a hot head teenager), and I successfully completed anger management. I also completed my probation early, and paid all fees on time with no issues. As I understand it, I am eligible to have that record sealed since I was both under 21, and Simple Battery is not listed on the “exceptions” list (not that I can find anyway).
Do I have all of this correct, or am I missing something?
Thank you.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Oct 20, 2016 at 06:32:25
I would be glad to speak to you about the case. This process would require the filing of a petition in the Superior Court of Hall County to have the record restricted.
steven mcdaniel Reply
Posted Mar 08, 2017 at 17:12:07
charged with midemeanor simple battery in bibb county back in 1995 after a verbal argument with my wife….nobody hit anybody….just arguing but officers arrested both of us when she wouldnt shut her mouth after being warned…..i currently tried to purchase a handgun for protection after my home was broken into but was denied because of this old charge….was and is my only criminal record….no other charges ever or before that…..can i have something done to my record to enable ownership of a handgun?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Mar 17, 2017 at 06:48:27
It sounds like you would be eligible to ask for a pardon and restoration of rights from the Parole Board. More information is available at . There is a link on that page for the application. Take a look and see if that helps you.
Jeff Gelin Reply
Posted Jun 25, 2017 at 01:45:38
I was arrEstes and falsely accused of shoplifting in 2004. The case was dismissed. Do I qualify for record restrictions?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Jun 26, 2017 at 05:27:57
You may qualify. What court was your case in?
Jeff Gelin Reply
Posted Jun 27, 2017 at 05:25:10
Hall county
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Jul 03, 2017 at 06:27:44
You should qualify. I would need to see a copy of the dismissal and charging instrument. We could then talk about what would be involved.
Shannon Johnson Reply
Posted Aug 02, 2017 at 20:23:48
If someone has felony and misdemeanor in GA and a FL. Do they qualify for the 1st offender act and get sentenced to RSAT program?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Aug 03, 2017 at 05:08:24
You have a number of bits of information that really don’t fully describe what you are trying to figure out. RSAT has nothing to do with First Offender Act treatment. It is a Department of Corrections prison-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. It does not require first offense.
If someone has a prior felony conviction, they do not qualify for First Offender Act treatment.
Jennifer Reply
Posted Aug 23, 2017 at 13:37:14
I applied for an expungement for a misdemeanor charge from 2007. On my AFIS report it says disorderly and criminal trespass (I went back to my home after I had sold it in a distraught state – my husband had died). It was stupid. Anyway, the request was denied. The prosecutor told me that I pled guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct and he is prohibited from restricting a case where there is a conviction for any charge arising out of that case. Is there any way on earth to appeal this? It is Cobb County. The person who bought my house, by the way, was an employee of the Sheriff’s department. Most people don’t get arrested for going back to their old home, so that little fact adds to this.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Sep 06, 2017 at 07:31:29
Records restriction (expungement) is a legislative creation. As such, everyone involved can only deal within the framework created by the legislature. There are very limited circumstances where a charge resulted in any type of conviction can be restricted. There are a a narrow band of cases which can seek this relief where the person was a youthful offender (age 20 or below) at the time of the conviction.
Jamie Reply
Posted Oct 07, 2017 at 16:36:03
There is a new law sb367 passed last year, will that allow first offender discharge felony cases to restrict court cases. Is it a law.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Oct 09, 2017 at 05:41:09
SB 367 does add some clarifications for first offender cases. It improves the process and makes clear the responsibilities of the judge, probation officer, and clerk in handling these types of sentences. First offfender sentences were always subject to expungement/restriction.
Linda Sadberry Reply
Posted Oct 13, 2017 at 19:09:10
I was arrested and charged with simple battery in 2007. I went through a pre-aversion program and paid $150 fine. The case was allegedly dismissed. I went to the Paulding County Courthouse to have this record expunged because of it being a first offense. I was told No! Does the new law allow me to expunge or seal this record. I’ve been hired as a Federal Government employee after the fact, but now I’m wanting to work for the airlines. Can I now get this record expunged?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Oct 16, 2017 at 04:23:22
It would depend on the terms of the pretrial diversion agreement. It is possible that the offense might be subject to records restriction. That might not prevent a federal government employer from having access to the database entry.
latonya reese Reply
Posted Oct 16, 2017 at 20:06:32
I have two felonies on my background one for criminal damage to private property and the other one for theft by shoplifting both or over 15 years old can get this felonies sealed on my background check
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Oct 17, 2017 at 04:43:58
Unless the convictions qualify for the youthful offender provision, convictions cannot be restricted from your record.
Antonio Gracy Reply
Posted Feb 15, 2018 at 10:17:28
This was all very informative, thank you.
I plead guilty to a misdemeanor, theft by shoplifting in March 2000, I was 17 years old. Would I be a candidate for this restriction?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Feb 15, 2018 at 12:06:04
It is very likely that you would qualify as a youthful offender and misdemeanor theft by shoplifting should be eligible for restriction.
Bessie Reply
Posted Mar 20, 2018 at 16:49:30
I have 1 felony on my record for aggravated assault and I had a split sentence of 10 do 3. I was not fully aware/understood the 1st offender process, so I took the plea. If I was fully aware of this, I would have took 1st offenders. My sentence is completely over with and I have not been in trouble since. I want to get my gun permit restored and wanted to know how can I go about doing that. I had a clean record before that incident. It happened in Columbus, Ga. There is alot of crime and I need one for the safety of my home.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Mar 21, 2018 at 10:27:24
You may need to look into getting a copy of your file from Muscogee County. You would want a copy of the sentence and the plea transcript.
There is a mechanism where you can ask for retroactive first offenders treatment if first offender was not considered at the time of your sentencing.
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Sep 09, 2019 at 05:58:04
There are very limited circumstances where records restriction is available when you have been found guilty or plead guilty to an offense. It is available sometimes when you are convicted while under the age of 21 years. From your description of your early life, it seems unlikely.
You can petition your local Superior Court to change your name if you wish. You would need to speak to someone in Chatham County about that.
I cannot take away your fears about being discovered but I can say that it is unlikely as search engines focus on the more recent and relevant and it sounds like you have built a good life in spite of the challenges. A person coming across that 15+ year old newspaper story would probably think that it was a different person who happened to have the same name as you. People make mistakes in life, and that is okay. You are not the only one to have made mistakes. The kind of person that would judge you now for who you were 15 years ago is not the kind of person whose judgment you should care about.
Meshay Reply
Posted Jul 30, 2022 at 07:25:05
I have a 9yr old misdemeanor battery charge in Dougherty Co. that has been denied twice for restriction because “I pleaded guilty” to the charges. I’m a nursing student, phlebotomist, & Medical assistant. Would an attorney be able to help with a record restriction if I file an appeal in this case?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Aug 02, 2022 at 06:51:54
It would depend on the facts of case. If this case qualifies as a family violence offense, then restriction is not available unless you qualified as a youthful offender at the time. If the victim was a minor, the offense does not qualify for restriction.
Lacy Reply
Posted Sep 29, 2022 at 18:14:12
I have a charge of false statement and forgery(misdemeanors) in 2017. Completed the probation correctly paid my dues. I just applied for record restriction for both charges. Is it likely to get restricted? And if it does would a bank see the charge?
Sean A. Black Reply
Posted Oct 03, 2022 at 07:05:14
A single cycle of misdemeanors can be restricted. I would not be able to address a particular case in the absence of complete information.
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